Source code for categorize.radar

"""Radar module, containing the :class:`Radar` class."""
import logging
import math

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from scipy import constants

from cloudnetpy import utils
from cloudnetpy.constants import GHZ_TO_HZ, SEC_IN_HOUR, SPEED_OF_LIGHT
from cloudnetpy.datasource import DataSource

[docs] class Radar(DataSource): """Radar class, child of DataSource. Args: full_path: Cloudnet Level 1 radar netCDF file. Attributes: radar_frequency (float): Radar frequency (GHz). folding_velocity (float): Radar's folding velocity (m/s). location (str): Location of the radar, copied from the global attribute `location` of the input file. sequence_indices (list): Indices denoting the different altitude regimes of the radar. source_type (str): Type of the radar, copied from the global attribute `source` of the *radar_file*. Can be free form string but must include either 'rpg' or 'mira' denoting one of the two supported radars. See Also: :func:`instruments.rpg2nc()`, :func:`instruments.mira2nc()` """ def __init__(self, full_path: str): super().__init__(full_path, radar=True) self.radar_frequency = float(self.getvar("radar_frequency")) self.folding_velocity = self._get_folding_velocity() self.sequence_indices = self._get_sequence_indices() self.location = getattr(self.dataset, "location", "") self.source_type = getattr(self.dataset, "source", "") self._init_data() self._init_sigma_v() self._get_folding_velocity_full()
[docs] def rebin_to_grid(self, time_new: np.ndarray) -> list: """Rebins radar data in time using mean. Args: time_new: Target time array as fraction hour. Updates *time* attribute. """ bad_time_indices = [] for key, array in match key: case "ldr" | "sldr" | "Z": array.db2lin() bad_time_indices = array.rebin_data(self.time, time_new) array.lin2db() case "v": array.rebin_velocity( self.time, time_new, self.folding_velocity, self.sequence_indices, ) case "v_sigma": array.calc_linear_std(self.time, time_new) case "width": array.rebin_data(self.time, time_new) case "rainfall_rate": array.rebin_data(self.time, time_new, mask_zeros=False) case _: continue return bad_time_indices
[docs] def remove_incomplete_pixels(self) -> None: """Mask radar pixels where one or more required quantities are missing. All valid radar pixels **must** contain proper values for `Z`, and `v` and also for `width` if exists. Otherwise there is some kind of problem with the data and the pixel should not be used in any further analysis. """ good_ind = ~ma.getmaskarray(["Z"][:]) & ~ma.getmaskarray(["v"][:], ) if "width" in good_ind = good_ind & ~ma.getmaskarray(["width"][:]) for array in if == 2: array.mask_indices(~good_ind)
[docs] def filter_speckle_noise(self) -> None: """Removes speckle noise from radar data. Any isolated radar pixel, i.e. "hot pixel", is assumed to exist due to speckle noise. This is a crude approach and a more sophisticated method could be implemented here later. """ for key in ("Z", "v", "width", "ldr", "v_sigma"): if key in[key].filter_vertical_stripes()
[docs] def filter_1st_gate_artifact(self) -> None: """Removes 1st range gate velocity artifact.""" velocity_limit = 4 ind = np.where(["v"][:, 0] > velocity_limit)["v"][:][ind, 0] = ma.masked
[docs] def filter_stripes(self, variable: str) -> None: """Filters vertical and horizontal stripe-shaped artifacts from radar data.""" if variable not in return data = ma.copy([variable][:]) n_points_in_profiles = ma.count(data, axis=1) n_profiles_with_data = np.count_nonzero(n_points_in_profiles) if n_profiles_with_data < 300: return n_vertical = self._filter( data, axis=1, min_coverage=0.5, z_limit=10, distance=4, n_blocks=100, ) n_horizontal = self._filter( data, axis=0, min_coverage=0.3, z_limit=-30, distance=3, n_blocks=20, ) if n_vertical > 0 or n_horizontal > 0: logging.debug( "Filtered %s vertical and %s horizontal stripes " "from radar data using %s", n_vertical, n_horizontal, variable, )
def _filter( self, data: np.ndarray, axis: int, min_coverage: float, z_limit: float, distance: float, n_blocks: int, ) -> int: if axis == 0: data = data.T echo =["Z"][:].T else: echo =["Z"][:] len_block = int(np.floor(data.shape[0] / n_blocks)) block_indices = np.arange(len_block) n_removed_total = 0 for block_number in range(n_blocks): data_block = data[block_indices, :] n_values = ma.count(data_block, axis=1) try: q1 = np.quantile(n_values, 0.25) q3 = np.quantile(n_values, 0.75) except IndexError: continue if q1 == q3: continue threshold = distance * (q3 - q1) + q3 indices = np.where( (n_values > threshold) & (n_values > (min_coverage * data.shape[1])), )[0] true_ind = [int(x) for x in (block_number * len_block + indices)] n_removed = len(indices) if n_removed > 5: continue if n_removed > 0: n_removed_total += n_removed for ind in true_ind: ind2 = np.where(echo[ind, :] < z_limit) bad_indices = (ind, ind2) if axis == 1 else (ind2, ind)["v"][:][bad_indices] = ma.masked block_indices += len_block return n_removed_total
[docs] def correct_atten(self, attenuations: dict) -> None: """Corrects radar echo for liquid and gas attenuation. Args: attenuations: 2-D attenuations due to atmospheric gases and liquid: `radar_gas_atten`, `radar_liquid_atten`. References: The method is based on Hogan R. and O'Connor E., 2004, and the original Cloudnet Matlab implementation. """ z_corrected =["Z"][:] + attenuations["radar_gas_atten"] ind = ma.where(attenuations["radar_liquid_atten"]) z_corrected[ind] += attenuations["radar_liquid_atten"][ind] self.append_data(z_corrected, "Z")
[docs] def calc_errors( self, attenuations: dict, is_clutter: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Calculates uncertainties of radar echo. Calculates and adds `Z_error`, `Z_sensitivity` and `Z_bias` :class:`CloudnetArray` instances to `data` attribute. Args: attenuations: 2-D attenuations due to atmospheric gases. is_clutter: 2-D boolean array denoting pixels contaminated by clutter. References: The method is based on Hogan R. and O'Connor E., 2004, and the original Cloudnet Matlab implementation. """ def _calc_sensitivity() -> np.ndarray: """Returns sensitivity of radar as function of altitude.""" mean_gas_atten = ma.mean(attenuations["radar_gas_atten"], axis=0) z_sensitivity = z_power_min + log_range + mean_gas_atten zc = ma.median(ma.array(z, mask=~is_clutter), axis=0) valid_values = np.logical_not(zc.mask) z_sensitivity[valid_values] = zc[valid_values] return z_sensitivity def _calc_error() -> np.ndarray | float: """Returns error of radar as function of altitude. References: Hogan, R. J., 1998: Dual-wavelength radar studies of clouds. PhD Thesis, University of Reading, UK. """ noise_threshold = 3 n_pulses = _number_of_independent_pulses() ln_to_log10 = 10 / np.log(10) z_precision = (ln_to_log10 / np.sqrt(n_pulses)) * ( 1 + (utils.db2lin(z_power_min - z_power) / noise_threshold) ) gas_error = attenuations["radar_gas_atten"] * 0.1 liq_error = attenuations["liquid_atten_err"].filled(0) z_error = utils.l2norm(gas_error, liq_error, z_precision) z_error[attenuations["liquid_uncorrected"]] = ma.masked return z_error def _number_of_independent_pulses() -> float: """Returns number of independent pulses. References: Atlas, D., 1964: Advances in radar meteorology. Advances in Geophys., 10, 318-478. """ if "width" not in default_width = 0.3 width = np.zeros_like(["Z"][:]) width[~width.mask] = default_width else: width =["width"][:] dwell_time = utils.mdiff(self.time) * SEC_IN_HOUR wl = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / (self.radar_frequency * GHZ_TO_HZ) return 4 * np.sqrt(math.pi) * dwell_time * width / wl def _calc_z_power_min() -> float: if ma.all(z_power.mask): return 0 return np.percentile(z_power.compressed(), 0.1) z =["Z"][:] radar_range = self.to_m(self.dataset.variables["range"]) log_range = utils.lin2db(radar_range, scale=20) z_power = z - log_range z_power_min = _calc_z_power_min() self.append_data(_calc_error(), "Z_error") self.append_data(_calc_sensitivity(), "Z_sensitivity") self.append_data(1.0, "Z_bias")
[docs] def add_meta(self) -> None: """Copies misc. metadata from the input file.""" for key in ("latitude", "longitude", "altitude"): self.append_data(np.array(self.getvar(key)), key) for key in ("time", "height", "radar_frequency"): self.append_data(np.array(getattr(self, key)), key)
def _init_data(self) -> None: self.append_data(self.getvar("Zh"), "Z", units="dBZ") for key in ("v", "ldr", "width", "sldr", "rainfall_rate"): try: self._variables_to_cloudnet_arrays((key,)) except KeyError: continue def _init_sigma_v(self) -> None: """Initializes std of the velocity field. The std will be calculated later when re-binning the data. """ self.append_data(self.getvar("v"), "v_sigma") def _get_sequence_indices(self) -> list: """Mira has only one sequence and one folding velocity. RPG has several sequences with different folding velocities. """ if self.height is None: msg = "Height not found in the input file" raise RuntimeError(msg) all_indices = np.arange(len(self.height)) if not utils.isscalar(self.folding_velocity): starting_indices = self.getvar("chirp_start_indices") return np.split(all_indices, starting_indices[1:]) return [all_indices] def _get_folding_velocity(self) -> np.ndarray | float: if "nyquist_velocity" in self.dataset.variables: return self.getvar("nyquist_velocity") if "prf" in self.dataset.variables: prf = self.getvar("prf") return _prf_to_folding_velocity(prf, self.radar_frequency) msg = "Unable to determine folding velocity" raise RuntimeError(msg) def _get_folding_velocity_full(self) -> None: folding_velocity: list | np.ndarray = [] if utils.isscalar(self.folding_velocity): folding_velocity = np.repeat( self.folding_velocity, len(self.sequence_indices[0]), ) else: folding_velocity = list(folding_velocity) self.folding_velocity = np.array(self.folding_velocity) for indices, velocity in zip( self.sequence_indices, self.folding_velocity, strict=True, ): folding_velocity.append(np.repeat(velocity, len(indices))) folding_velocity = np.hstack(folding_velocity) self.append_data(folding_velocity, "nyquist_velocity")
def _prf_to_folding_velocity(prf: np.ndarray, radar_frequency: float) -> float: ghz_to_hz = 1e9 if len(prf) != 1: msg = "Unable to determine folding velocity" raise RuntimeError(msg) return float(prf[0] * constants.c / (4 * radar_frequency * ghz_to_hz))