Source code for categorize.model

"""Model module, containing the :class:`Model` class."""
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from cloudnetpy import utils
from cloudnetpy.categorize import atmos_utils
from cloudnetpy.cloudnetarray import CloudnetArray
from cloudnetpy.datasource import DataSource
from cloudnetpy.exceptions import ModelDataError

[docs] class Model(DataSource): """Model class, child of DataSource. Args: model_file: File name of the NWP model file. alt_site: Altitude of the site above mean sea level (m). Attributes: source_type (str): Model type, e.g. 'gdas1' or 'ecwmf'. model_heights (ndarray): 2-D array of model heights (one for each time step). mean_height (ndarray): Mean of *model_heights*. data_sparse (dict): Model variables in common height grid but without interpolation in time. data_dense (dict): Model variables interpolated to Cloudnet's dense time / height grid. """ fields_dense = ( "temperature", "pressure", "rh", "gas_atten", "specific_gas_atten", "specific_saturated_gas_atten", "specific_liquid_atten", ) fields_sparse = (*fields_dense, "q", "uwind", "vwind") def __init__(self, model_file: str, alt_site: float): super().__init__(model_file) self.source_type = _find_model_type(model_file) self.model_heights = self._get_model_heights(alt_site) self.mean_height = _calc_mean_height(self.model_heights) self.height: np.ndarray self.data_sparse: dict = {} self.data_dense: dict = {} self._append_grid()
[docs] def interpolate_to_common_height(self, wl_band: int) -> None: """Interpolates model variables to common height grid. Args: wl_band: Integer denoting the approximate wavelength band of the cloud radar (0 = ~35.5 GHz, 1 = ~94 GHz). """ def _interpolate_variable(data_in: ma.MaskedArray) -> CloudnetArray: datai = ma.zeros((len(self.time), len(self.mean_height))) for ind, (alt, prof) in enumerate( zip(self.model_heights, data_in, strict=True), ): if prof.mask.all(): datai[ind, :] = ma.masked else: fun = interp1d(alt, prof, fill_value="extrapolate") datai[ind, :] = fun(self.mean_height) return CloudnetArray(datai, key, units) for key in self.fields_sparse: variable = self.dataset.variables[key] data = variable[:] units = variable.units if "atten" in key: data = data[wl_band, :, :] self.data_sparse[key] = _interpolate_variable(data)
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid( self, time_grid: np.ndarray, height_grid: np.ndarray, ) -> list: """Interpolates model variables to Cloudnet's dense time / height grid. Args: time_grid: The target time array (fraction hour). height_grid: The target height array (m). Returns: Indices fully masked profiles. """ for key in self.fields_dense: array = self.data_sparse[key][:] valid_profiles = _find_number_of_valid_profiles(array) if valid_profiles < 2: raise ModelDataError self.data_dense[key] = utils.interpolate_2d_mask( self.time, self.mean_height, array, time_grid, height_grid, ) self.height = height_grid return utils.find_masked_profiles_indices(self.data_dense["temperature"])
[docs] def calc_wet_bulb(self) -> None: """Calculates wet-bulb temperature in dense grid.""" wet_bulb_temp = atmos_utils.calc_wet_bulb_temperature(self.data_dense) self.append_data(wet_bulb_temp, "Tw", units="K")
[docs] def screen_sparse_fields(self) -> None: """Removes model fields that we don't want to write in the output.""" fields_to_keep = ("temperature", "pressure", "q", "uwind", "vwind") self.data_sparse = {key: self.data_sparse[key] for key in fields_to_keep}
def _append_grid(self) -> None: self.append_data(np.array(self.time), "model_time") self.append_data(self.mean_height, "model_height") def _get_model_heights(self, alt_site: float) -> np.ndarray: """Returns model heights for each time step.""" try: model_heights = self.dataset.variables["height"] except KeyError as err: msg = "No 'height' variable in the model file." raise ModelDataError(msg) from err return self.to_m(model_heights) + alt_site
def _calc_mean_height(model_heights: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: mean_height = ma.mean(model_heights, axis=0) return np.array(mean_height) def _find_model_type(file_name: str) -> str: """Finds model type from the model filename.""" possible_keys = ("gdas1", "icon", "ecmwf", "harmonie", "era5") for key in possible_keys: if key in file_name: return key msg = "Unknown model type" raise ValueError(msg) def _find_number_of_valid_profiles(array: np.ndarray) -> int: n_good = 0 for row in array: if not hasattr(row, "mask") or np.sum(row.mask.astype(int)) == 0: n_good += 1 return n_good