Source code for categorize.lidar

"""Lidar module, containing the :class:`Lidar` class."""
import logging
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma

from cloudnetpy.datasource import DataSource
from cloudnetpy.utils import interpolate_2d_nearest

[docs] class Lidar(DataSource): """Lidar class, child of DataSource. Args: full_path: Cloudnet Level 1 lidar netCDF file. """ def __init__(self, full_path: str): super().__init__(full_path) self.append_data(self.getvar("beta"), "beta") self._add_meta()
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid( self, time_new: np.ndarray, height_new: np.ndarray ) -> list[int]: """Interpolate beta using nearest neighbor.""" max_height = 100 # m max_time = 1 / 60 # min -> fraction hour if self.height is None: msg = "Unable to interpolate lidar: no height information" raise RuntimeError(msg) # Interpolate beta to new grid but ignore profiles that are completely masked beta =["beta"][:] indices = [ind for ind, b in enumerate(beta) if ma.all(b) is not ma.masked] beta_interp = interpolate_2d_nearest( self.time[indices], self.height, beta[indices, :], time_new, height_new, ) # Mask data points that are too far from the original grid time_gap_ind = get_gap_ind(self.time[indices], time_new, max_time) height_gap_ind = get_gap_ind(self.height, height_new, max_height) self._mask_profiles(beta_interp, time_gap_ind, "time") self._mask_profiles(beta_interp, height_gap_ind, "height")["beta"].data = beta_interp return time_gap_ind
@staticmethod def _mask_profiles( data: ma.MaskedArray, ind: list[int], dim: Literal["time", "height"] ) -> None: prefix = f"Unable to interpolate lidar for {len(ind)}" if dim == "time" and ind: logging.warning("%s time steps", prefix) data[ind, :] = ma.masked elif dim == "height" and ind: logging.warning("%s altitudes", prefix) data[:, ind] = ma.masked def _add_meta(self) -> None: self.append_data(float(self.getvar("wavelength")), "lidar_wavelength") self.append_data(0.5, "beta_error") self.append_data(3.0, "beta_bias")
def get_gap_ind(grid: np.ndarray, new_grid: np.ndarray, threshold: float) -> list[int]: return [ ind for ind, value in enumerate(new_grid) if np.min(np.abs(grid - value)) > threshold ]