Source code for categorize.falling

"""Module to find falling hydrometeors from data."""
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma

from cloudnetpy.categorize import atmos
from cloudnetpy.categorize.containers import ClassData
from cloudnetpy.constants import T0

[docs] def find_falling_hydrometeors( obs: ClassData, is_liquid: np.ndarray, is_insects: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Finds falling hydrometeors. Falling hydrometeors are radar signals that are a) not insects b) not clutter. Furthermore, falling hydrometeors are strong lidar pixels excluding liquid layers (thus these pixels are ice or rain). They are also weak radar signals in very cold temperatures. Args: obs: The :class:`ClassData` instance. is_liquid: 2-D boolean array of liquid droplets. is_insects: 2-D boolean array of insects. Returns: 2-D boolean array containing falling hydrometeors. References: Hogan R. and O'Connor E., 2004, """ falling_from_radar = _find_falling_from_radar(obs, is_insects) falling_from_radar_fixed = _fix_liquid_dominated_radar( obs, falling_from_radar, is_liquid, ) cold_aerosols = _find_cold_aerosols(obs, is_liquid) return falling_from_radar_fixed | cold_aerosols
def _find_falling_from_radar(obs: ClassData, is_insects: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: is_z = ~obs.z.mask no_clutter = ~obs.is_clutter no_insects = ~is_insects return is_z & no_clutter & no_insects def _find_cold_aerosols(obs: ClassData, is_liquid: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Lidar signals which are in colder than the threshold temperature and threshold altitude from the ground are assumed ice. These pixels are easily mixed with aerosols at lower altitudes, and at higher altitudes they could be supercooled liquid, actually. This should be investigated and fixed in the future. """ cold_aerosols = np.zeros(is_liquid.shape, dtype=bool) lidar_range = obs.height + obs.altitude cold_aerosol_temperature_limit = T0 - 15 cold_aerosol_min_altitude = 2000 is_beta = ~obs.beta.mask lidar_ice_indices = np.where( ( < cold_aerosol_temperature_limit) & is_beta & ~is_liquid, ) cold_aerosols[lidar_ice_indices] = True low_range_indices = np.where(lidar_range < cold_aerosol_min_altitude) if low_range_indices: cold_aerosols[:, low_range_indices] = False # Further investigate range gates between 2000 and 4000 m # to avoid abrupt transitions from aerosol to ice. altitude_limit = 4000 window_size = 6 n_beta_in_window = 2 for time_ind, profile in enumerate(cold_aerosols): for alt_ind, is_cold_aerosol in enumerate(profile): if is_cold_aerosol and lidar_range[alt_ind] < altitude_limit: start_ind = max(0, alt_ind - window_size + 1) end_ind = alt_ind + 1 n_beta_below = np.sum(is_beta[time_ind, start_ind:end_ind]) if n_beta_below > n_beta_in_window: cold_aerosols[time_ind, alt_ind] = False return cold_aerosols def _fix_liquid_dominated_radar( obs: ClassData, falling_from_radar: np.ndarray, is_liquid: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Radar signals inside liquid clouds are NOT ice if Z is increasing in height inside the cloud. """ liquid_bases = atmos.find_cloud_bases(is_liquid) liquid_tops = atmos.find_cloud_tops(is_liquid) base_indices = np.where(liquid_bases) top_indices = np.where(liquid_tops) for n, base, _, top in zip(*base_indices, *top_indices, strict=True): z_prof = obs.z[n, :] if _is_z_missing_above_liquid(z_prof, top) and _is_z_increasing( z_prof, base, top, ): falling_from_radar[n, base : top + 1] = False return falling_from_radar def _is_z_missing_above_liquid(z: ma.MaskedArray, ind_top: int) -> bool: """Checks is z is masked right above the liquid layer top.""" if ind_top == len(z) - 1: return False return z.mask[ind_top + 1] def _is_z_increasing(z: ma.MaskedArray, ind_base: int, ind_top: int) -> bool: """Checks is z is increasing inside the liquid cloud.""" z = z[ind_base : ind_top + 1].compressed() if len(z) > 1: return z[-1] > z[0] return False